
  • How do I change my password? #

    To change your password, follow the steps below:

    1.  Make sure you are logged in. Did you forget your password? Then click on the header ‘Forgot password’
    2. Click your name in the top right
    3.  In the right-hand column you can create a new password. We recommend that you choose a password with at least:
      1. Characters
      2.  Upper and lowercase
      3.  At least 1 special symbol (#,!,@ etc.)
      4.  At least 1 number
    4.  Press the ‘Save’ button

    Lost Password:

    If you have forgotten your password, you can recover your account in the following way:

    1.  On the login page, click on the link ‘Forgot your password’
    2. Enter the email address you used to create your EggsTrader account in the input field
    3.  Click on the blue ‘Send’ button
    4. You will now receive an email via the email address you just entered. Click on the green ‘Recover password’ button in the email 
    5.  Please enter a new password. We recommend that you choose a password that contains:
      1.  Minimum 12 characters
      2.  Upper and lowercase
      3.  At least 1 special symbol (#,!,@ etc.)
      4.  At least 1 number
      5. 10.  Not your old password
    6.  Confirm the new password by entering it again in the ‘Confirm Password’ field
    7.  Click on the blue ‘Change Password’ button

    You have now changed your password and are logged in.

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