Press Release EggsTrader ready to revolutionize egg industry

EggsTrader ready to revolutionize egg industry

EggsTrader ready to revolutionize egg industry

april 26th, 2021
april 26th, 2021

BARNEVELD, the Netherlands - April 26, 2021 – The transparent and innovative trading platform is a one-of-a-kind digital marketplace where entrepreneurs from 36 SEPA countries in the entire chain come to trade anonymously.

They safely conclude their deals on EggTrader's spot market, which is available to them 24/7.

EggsTrader's founders are internet entrepreneur André Hoogendam and representative in the poultry sector Jarrin Snetselaar, the perfect match for a successful startup in the egg industry. After four years of devoted work and a thorough tryout period, the two Dutchmen are proud to present to the world.

"It was a complex process", Hoogendam explains. "We had to consider many to provide a safe and transparent trading platform for all parties, but we are up and running. We built a solid platform. Our passionate team continuously works on making more user-friendly and complete, and we listen to our users and add new functionalities on a daily basis."

Snetselaar adds: "We clearly see the need for a platform like EggsTrader. More and more poultry farmers look for alternatives for marketing their eggs and try to expand their geographic reach. Our trading platform,, enables them to easily trade with entrepreneurs in Germany or Spain or the United Kingdom, for instance."

EggsTrader currently focuses on 36 SEPA countries within Europe, though hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide showed their interests in the trading platform from the Food Valley. Their response is unanimously enthusiastic.

"I am very happy to have found EggsTrader. I can now sell my bio-eggs for the market price on that day", a Dutch poultry farmer says. "This can result in a few extra cents per egg. I am excited to commit myself to selling bio-eggs for a longer period of time on EggsTrader."

The owner of a German packing station explains his choice for trading on EggsTrader: "It brought us a whole new network of potential suppliers. I get an email every morning with the latest offers. Besides, it is now a lot easier to look for a specific batch of eggs for our customers. Customer's demands have increasingly become more specific. EggsTrader is the perfect tool for us to get our hands on the right types of eggs."

Co-founders Hoogendam and Snetselaar are convinced EggsTrader can provide different entrepreneurs in the egg industry exactly with what they need: flexibility, constant innovation and an expanding trading potential.


Media contact:

André Hoogendam
+31 85 130 27 38

About EggsTrader

EggsTrader is a specialized marketplace to buy and sell eggs, launched in 2021 and currently operating in 36 SEPA-countries. The company is based in The Netherlands and founded by internet entrepreneur André Hoogendam with over 20 years of experience and representative in the poultry sector Jarrin Snetselaar with 10 years of experience. The marketplace is available for any business operating in the egg industry and facilitates the entire process of buying and selling eggs online. The platform is fully transparent and operates 24/7. EggsTrader aims to offer a large network of qualified and trustworthy buyers and sellers of eggs through a secure trading platform. is currently available in three languages: English, German and Dutch.
For more information visit:

BARNEVELD, the Netherlands - April 26, 2021 – The transparent and innovative trading platform is a one-of-a-kind digital marketplace where entrepreneurs from 36 SEPA countries in the entire chain come to trade anonymously.

They safely conclude their deals on EggTrader's spot market, which is available to them 24/7.

EggsTrader's founders are internet entrepreneur André Hoogendam and representative in the poultry sector Jarrin Snetselaar, the perfect match for a successful startup in the egg industry. After four years of devoted work and a thorough tryout period, the two Dutchmen are proud to present to the world.

"It was a complex process", Hoogendam explains. "We had to consider many to provide a safe and transparent trading platform for all parties, but we are up and running. We built a solid platform. Our passionate team continuously works on making more user-friendly and complete, and we listen to our users and add new functionalities on a daily basis."

Snetselaar adds: "We clearly see the need for a platform like EggsTrader. More and more poultry farmers look for alternatives for marketing their eggs and try to expand their geographic reach. Our trading platform,, enables them to easily trade with entrepreneurs in Germany or Spain or the United Kingdom, for instance."

EggsTrader currently focuses on 36 SEPA countries within Europe, though hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide showed their interests in the trading platform from the Food Valley. Their response is unanimously enthusiastic.

"I am very happy to have found EggsTrader. I can now sell my bio-eggs for the market price on that day", a Dutch poultry farmer says. "This can result in a few extra cents per egg. I am excited to commit myself to selling bio-eggs for a longer period of time on EggsTrader."

The owner of a German packing station explains his choice for trading on EggsTrader: "It brought us a whole new network of potential suppliers. I get an email every morning with the latest offers. Besides, it is now a lot easier to look for a specific batch of eggs for our customers. Customer's demands have increasingly become more specific. EggsTrader is the perfect tool for us to get our hands on the right types of eggs."

Co-founders Hoogendam and Snetselaar are convinced EggsTrader can provide different entrepreneurs in the egg industry exactly with what they need: flexibility, constant innovation and an expanding trading potential.


Media contact:

André Hoogendam
+31 85 130 27 38

About EggsTrader

EggsTrader is a specialized marketplace to buy and sell eggs, launched in 2021 and currently operating in 36 SEPA-countries. The company is based in The Netherlands and founded by internet entrepreneur André Hoogendam with over 20 years of experience and representative in the poultry sector Jarrin Snetselaar with 10 years of experience. The marketplace is available for any business operating in the egg industry and facilitates the entire process of buying and selling eggs online. The platform is fully transparent and operates 24/7. EggsTrader aims to offer a large network of qualified and trustworthy buyers and sellers of eggs through a secure trading platform. is currently available in three languages: English, German and Dutch.
For more information visit:

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